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Term 1 - Choosing and Using Your Stash and Scraps - from March 1st

We all love buying new fabric but most of us have a large stash at home that we need to use! In our first term we are going to concentrate on the sort of designs that you can make using your stash and, even better, your scraps! Throughout our three workshops we will weave in tips and advice on this subject.

There will be suggestions for choosing and combining fabrics, using patterned fabric with solids, and how to free that scrappy happy quilter that’s inside all of us! We will also discuss storing and organising your scraps and answer that vital question ‘how small are your scraps?’!

And finish up the term with our masterclasses on applique - learn applique three ways with Jo, Karen and Lynne's classes.  We will take you step by needle turn, raw edge and reverse applique with plenty of hints, tips and tricks thrown in from their collective experience of many thousands of hours of quilting.  

Term 2 - Confidence and Play with Colour - from July 1st

Deciding on colours for quilts and other sewing projects is one of the most challenging aspects of our craft and comes up time and again as a problem area. Your tutors are here to help! Each of us has a different colour sensibility and a different approach to achieving it.

Through our three fabulous playful projects you will gain confidence in all aspect of using colour, from dealing with bright solids, achieving good contrast, and how to get the most from colour harmonies and values. You will get fantastic tips to help with choosing colours from a number of different angles and gain invaluable confidence in your decision making as a result.

This term's masterclass is quilting.  Jo will be sharing her fabulous free motion quilting skills, Karen will be taking us through the mindful process of hand quilting and Lynne will be showing you how to succeed with various types of straight line quilting.  

Term 3 - Sustainable Sewing: Reduce, Reuse and Recycle - from Nov 1st 

Caring about our planet and sewing sustainably are subjects that are very close to our heart and in our third term we aim to help you achieve both of these while you create.  We will give ideas and advice for using recycled fabric, including old clothes and homewares, including the best way to handle and treat these items.

We will show you how to create some very special projects using recycled fabric such as memory quilts and keepsake books. And we will also concentrate on mending rather than replacing with some beautiful and mindful hand stitching. Feel good about your sewing this term in the knowledge you are creating thoughtfully and sustainably.

Finally we take a deep dive into binding with the last masterclass of the year. Your tutors have so many different binding techniques to share with you, from the ubiquitous double fold, the speedy single fold, the uber modern faced binding and even a fancy flange addition.  

Want to see the current year's classes?

Click on the link below to see our current year's classes.

2024/25 Classes