Freedom is here for both Piecing and Applique!

Join Jo for more adventures with her two favourite techniques, improv piecing and organic applique.  Using her Vetch cushion as inspiration we will look at colour contrasts and create a ‘hot’ background overlaid with a ‘cool’ organic applique. This can work equally well with other colour combinations and we will be looking in depth at achieving contrast in your quilt designs.

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Colour Contrast and beyond

We will be learning how to make a number of simple improv pieced mini blocks using strips, triangles and curves. Jo will be showing you how to use these to create an exciting modern background. We will then take inspiration from nature and hand stitch an organic freehand applique overlay which contrasts with the background.

Not so keen on hand sewing? Jo will explain her ‘Tendrils Technique’ to achieve the same turned edge effect but using your machine! Lastly, we will look at ideas for quilting and finishing your pillow.


Week 1

We’ll take a deep dive into colour contrasts and choose our fabrics for the project. Jo will also be exploring the use of alternative fabrics such as linens and pre-loved fabrics for this project. We’ll also get a chance to try the first simple improv mini blocks.


Week 2

We’ll continue making our mini improv blocks, trying out triangles, curves, log cabins and more. Then it's time to put blocks together to make the background.



Week 3

We will look at taking inspiration from nature for our overlays with lots of suggestions for freehand cutting our leaves. Jo will take you through her needle-turn applique techniques for the leaves and stems.


Week 4

We'll be exploring Jo's Tendrils Technique and how to achieve the turned edge applique look with your machine. We will discuss quilting our panel including how to expand it to make a larger quilt if you wish and how to finish your cushion.